Dear, our website can’t accept overseas payment directly now. If you have any demand for overseas order, we will deal with it by manual work.
Placing an order
STEP1: Please check the item’s name and the quantity you want to buy. Send this information with send country to the mail: service@tsaochee.com.tw、LINE@ or facebook
LINE ID:@missfashion
STEP2: Within two days (Excluding holidays), we will contact you and give you the cost of parcel shipping.
STEP3:雙方確認總金額無誤後,客服人員會提供付款連結 (採綠界科技線上信用卡付款)
STEP3: Confirm the total amount by both sides, and we will provide you a payment link (pay by credit online)
Payment in New Taiwan Dollar. The credit card bill will help you convert the currency automatically.
STEP4: After receiving the payment, we will ship the good the next day and offer you the waybill number.
1. 運費系根據購買商品的數量及大小、重量來換算材積,提供運費+商品報價
1. We will calculate the freight by volumetric weight, which converted by the quantity, size, weight of goods you buy.
2. 海外訂單恕無法配合Miss.Fashion Shop與各台灣網購通路優惠活動、折扣方式
2. Any promotion and discount are not applicable to oversea order.
3. 因海外地區航空包裹運送費時,跨國作業繁複,故無法提供海外會員退換貨服務,下單時請審慎評估。(商品瑕疵將以退款處理。)
3. Because the transnational refund is very tedious, we don’t offer the refund & exchange service to overseas members. Please consider cautiously when order.(Product defects will be refunded.)
線上服務時間:週一至週五 AM8:30~PM5:30 (星期六、日及國定假日休息)
Online Service Time: Mon~Fri AM8:30~PM5:30(weekend and holidays)